Core.user is a collection of wrappers for information about a user.


A user object is a container that represents a discogspy user. It holds necessary information needed to communicate via the Discogs API.

class UserWithoutAuthentication[source]


A wrapper for information about a user without authentication

# Example UserWithoutAuthentication
user_without_authentication = UserWithoutAuthentication()

class UserWithUserTokenBasedAuthentication[source]

UserWithUserTokenBasedAuthentication(user_token, user_agent)

A wrapper for information about a user with user-token based authentication

# Example UserWithUserTokenBasedAuthentication
with open(Path("../config/example_user_info.json"), "r") as user_config_file:
    config = json.load(user_config_file)
    example_user = UserWithUserTokenBasedAuthentication(user_token=config["user_token"],