Core.rq_inventory_upload is a collection of function wrappers around the Discogs API for inventory uploads.


add_new_listings_using_csv(user:UserWithUserTokenBasedAuthentication, file:BufferedReader)

Upload a csv file of listings to add to the given user inventory.

Note: The file you upload must be a comma-separated CSV. The first row must be a header with lower case field names. All listings will be marked “For Sale” immediately. Currency information will be pulled from your marketplace settings. Any fields that aren’t optional or required will be ignored.

User Authentication needed.


user: user object (required)

file: file (required) -> The CSV file of items to add to your inventory.

Csv File Values:

release_id: number (required) -> This value corresponds with the Discogs database Release ID.

media_condition: string (required) -> The condition of the release you are posting.

price: number (required) -> The price of the item (in the seller’s currency).

status: string (required) -> The status of the listing. Defaults to For Sale.

sleeve_condition: string (optional) -> The condition of the sleeve of the item you are posting.

comments: string (optional) -> Any remarks about the item that will be displayed to buyers.

allow_offers: boolean (optional) -> Must be Y or N.

external_id: string (optional) -> A freeform field that can be used for the seller’s own reference. -> Information stored here will not be displayed to anyone other than the seller. -> This field is called “Private Comments” on the Discogs website.

location: string (optional) -> A freeform field that is intended to help identify an item’s physical storage location. -> Information stored here will not be displayed to anyone other than the seller. -> This field will be visible on the inventory management page and will be available in inventory exports via the website.

weight: number (optional) -> The weight, in grams, of this listing, for the purpose of calculating shipping. -> Set this field to auto to have the weight automatically estimated for you.

format_quantity: number (optional) -> The number of items this listing counts as, for the purpose of calculating shipping. -> This field is called “Counts As” on the Discogs website. -> Set this field to auto to have the quantity automatically estimated for you.

# Example for usage of add_new_listings_using_csv

csv_path = Path("../test_example/file.csv")

with open(csv_path, "rb") as upload_file:
release_id price media_condition comments
0 123 1.5 Mint (M) Comments about this release for sale
1 456 2.5 Near Mint (NM or M-) More comments
2 7890 3.5 Good (G) Signed vinyl copy


update_existing_listings_using_csv(user:UserWithUserTokenBasedAuthentication, file:BufferedReader)

Upload a CSV file with updated information for existing listings in given user inventory.

Note: The file you upload must be a comma-separated CSV. The first row must be a header with lower case field names. All listings will be marked “For Sale” immediately. Currency information will be pulled from your marketplace settings. Any fields that aren’t optional or required will be ignored.

User Authentication needed.


user: user object (required)

file: file (required) -> The CSV file of items to add to your inventory.

Csv File Values:

release_id: number (optional) -> This value corresponds with the Discogs database Release ID.

listing_id: number (required) -> This is the ID of the listing you wish to update.

media_condition: string (optional) -> The condition of the release you are posting.

price: number (optional) -> The price of the item (in the seller’s currency).

status: string (optional) -> The status of the listing. Defaults to For Sale.

sleeve_condition: string (optional) -> The condition of the sleeve of the item you are posting.

comments: string (optional) -> Any remarks about the item that will be displayed to buyers.

allow_offers: boolean (optional) -> Must be Y or N.

external_id: string (optional) -> A freeform field that can be used for the seller’s own reference. -> Information stored here will not be displayed to anyone other than the seller. -> This field is called “Private Comments” on the Discogs website.

location: string (optional) -> A freeform field that is intended to help identify an item’s physical storage location. -> Information stored here will not be displayed to anyone other than the seller. -> This field will be visible on the inventory management page and will be available in inventory exports via the website.

weight: number (optional) -> The weight, in grams, of this listing, for the purpose of calculating shipping. -> Set this field to auto to have the weight automatically estimated for you.

format_quantity: number (optional) -> The number of items this listing counts as, for the purpose of calculating shipping. -> This field is called “Counts As” on the Discogs website. -> Set this field to auto to have the quantity automatically estimated for you.

# Example for usage of update_existing_listings_using_csv
csv_path = Path("../test_example/file.csv")

with open(csv_path, "rb") as upload_file:
release_id listing_id price media_condition comments
0 123 456 1.5 Mint (M) Comments about this release for sale
1 456 789 1.5 Near Mint (NM or M-) More comments
2 7890 101112 1.5 Good (G) Signed vinyl copy


delete_listings_using_csv(user:UserWithUserTokenBasedAuthentication, file:BufferedReader)

Upload a CSV file with listings to delete from the given inventory.

Note: The file you upload must be a comma-separated CSV. The first row must be a header with lower case field names.

User Authentication needed.


user: user object (required)

file: file (required) -> The CSV file of items to add to your inventory.

Csv File Values:

listing_id: number (required) -> This is the ID of the listing you wish to delete.

# Example for usage of delete_listings_using_csv
csv_path = Path("../test_example/delete_file.csv")

with open(csv_path, "rb") as upload_file:
0 12345678
1 98765432
2 31415926


get_list_of_recent_uploads(user:UserWithUserTokenBasedAuthentication, page:Optional[int]=None, per_page:Optional[int]=None)

Get a list of all recent inventory uploads for the given inventory.

User Authentication needed.


user: user object (required).

page: number (optional) -> The page you want to request.

per_page: number (optional) -> The number of items per page.

# Example for usage of get_list_of_recent_uploads
<Response [200]>


get_upload(user:UserWithUserTokenBasedAuthentication, upload_id:int)

Get details about the status of the given inventory upload.

User Authentication needed.


user: user object (required).

upload_id: number (required) -> Id of the upload.

# Example for usage of get_upload
<Response [200]>